Benjamin Looi loading screen avatar




Lumi Car Care image cap

Lumi Car Care

A project that I worked on for one of our clients in Platinum Code.
The website is build using ReactJS with api capabilities

SEO Quiz image cap

SEO Quiz

Quiz application that I've build during my internship @ Plentisoft.
Website is build on Wordpress.
Technologies: HTML+CSS+PHP+JS w/ Jquery

nyheadline image cap


One of the 50 News feed application that I've build during my internship @ Plentisoft.
Front-end is build using Angular and Back-end using nodeJS with Firebase cloud functions & Firestore.
Technologies: Angular w/ MDBootstrap & Firebase

Covid19My image cap

Covid19 My

Find out the lastest updates and essential information about the current outbreak in Malaysia, COVID-19 | News & Stats for coronavirus in Malaysia
Frontend: VueJS
Database: Firebase firestore
Backend: ExpressJS w/ puppeteer

Benjamin Looi's Blog image cap

Ben's Blog

My fabulous blog
Made using GatsbyJs

Benjamin Looi's Portfolio image cap

Ben's Portfolio website

My fabulous portfolio (You are currently on it)
Made using NuxtJs

jerome image cap

Rayymond Jerome's Portfolio

A joke portfolio build for my best friend Jerome.
I have learned my very first GSAP usage with this website.
Front-end: VueJs
Back-end: firebase

Tangina Bobo Gang Photo

Tangina Bobo Gang Gallery

An image gallery to commemorate Ashwin's (my friend) photoshoots
Built with NuxtJs and Firebase

theledo image cap


A Todo app made as my FYP project for my Diploma at Uniten
Made using VueJs for the front-end and Firebase Services for the backend

Pet Registration System image cap

Pet Registration System

Uniten's Web Prog. Class Assignment
HTML+CSS+PHP+MySQL w/ Bootstrap

The story of ray image cap

The story of ray

Uniten's System Administration Class Assignment
HTML+CSS w/ Bootstrap